Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blog # 5

I know now how much technology will help me as a teacher. PowerPoint, will be a big tool during lectures. As stated previously I plan to teach high school math.

As a teacher I could preplan my lectures. I could discuss each type of problem step by step. I would be able to keep the students engaged during the boring lectures. Using different types of effects will make learning more interesting and fun. Word Problems seem to be a huge problem for many students, with PowerPoint I will be able to have great sound,visual,and colorful effects to keep them interested. Once I have taught a few years I could use the same PowerPoint and improve the presentation as I feel fit. This would save time.

I know being a student is very hard when lectures are long and boring this PowerPoint would change that. If a student is visually stimulated then PowerPoint is a great stimulant. Also, if a student is a slow learner, absent, or does not understand they could get copies of the PowerPoint lecture for better understanding.

One way this would improve my teaching, I would not have to make new lesson plans every year and I would be able to help those students who need the extra help.

Bloom's Taxonomy

Could you image if teachers actually excepted students to recall, understand, apply, compare, synthesis and evaluate every thing we read. That would mean no more multiple choice and more work for the teachers. This actually would be a great thing but since in our education system says what we have to learn and when we need to learn it by that would be impossible.

If this theory was applied to math then a student would be able to figure out that math does have a purpose. You hear most students say "why do I need to know algebra I will never use it." I think in higher learning Bloom's Taxonomy would be better applied.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blog #4

Again, I am surprised of how technology is used to help kids understand and keep interested in projects. When I went to school science was hard for me. If I had the opportunity to use WISE during projects my science knowledge would be so different.

Having an actual and a virtual field trip helps studens to better understand the world of science. These types of actives encourage students to think out loud and problem solve. Thinking out loud and problem solving with other students questioning each others thinking will make all students more involved.

When casual maps are used students start to understand the relationships between different data. They also better understand the cause and effect of the data. The most beneficial thing about the causal maps is that when a student wants to change the data he/she must explain why. Which does cause the students to interact more with each other. This isn't only good for learning about the subject at hand, but it also gives the student a better ability to argue his/her points more effective. This type on thinking can only be learn as a student does it, practice makes perfect. This type of learning also help the teacher understand what is being learned. Teachers also find that students are able too think in a complete circle and are able to self correct. The most impressive thing about causal maps is that the thinking become visible.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Blog #3

What have I learned this week in class? When I first entered this class I had mixed feelings. I was happy to start learning about technology but did not understand why I needed this class, after all, I want to teach high school math. What could I use technology in class for Algerbra? How stupid could I have been? No, not stupid, uninformed. On page 7, of the article, it mentioned that technology did enhance learning but they did not understand the true possiblties technology truly had. I thought the same up to two weeks ago. Now, I am seeing the advantage for using technology in the classroom. I can use rubic to make sure the students understand what I expect. Also, I will be able to make a newsletter fun and informative so the students will be interested. But most importly, I learned about the advantage of intergrating technology in the classroom. Between the supplement and the video, I view last week, I am going to send my children to High Tech High (HTH) which is located in San Marcos. I feel this would be a great advantage for their future.

Friday, September 7, 2007

blog #2

Netiquette- The article was for the most part common sense. I guess I can say that with experience. With my ex husband I was communicating only via E-mail and a lot of his E-mails have been used against him. I did not know it could for sure, but I figured his e-mail address would be on it there for he couldn't say he did not write it. I did learn that chain letters were illegal. I have received them through E-mail but I don't bother with passing them on. Good thing. Before reading this article I never thought about how people only have one way of seeing you on the Internet, through writing. Delete doesn't mean delete. Well I guess I knew that because I do watch CSI from time to time. (ha ha ha) Overall, I found the article very uninformative.

Teaching for Understanding- This article, on the other hand, was very informative. As I was reading it I thought how can I apply Technology in high school math! Easy, as the article states knowledge comes from experience. I have had so many friends who did not understand word problems technology would have been easier to show/explain. We as teachers need to help the students apply what they are memorizing into real life or action. Technology can be used as a tool for teachers to be more effective and accurate. This statement is true especially for newer teachers who are a little scared there first year and they can prepare there lesson at home and present it to class through technology. Technology encourages students to explore facts they question. They could use different types of simulations and/or animations to prove or disprove the facts that are givin to them. After reading this article I realize that using technolgy is a great advantage for both the teacher and student.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

blog #1

This last week I have learned a great deal about computers. First I learned to to use the Printscn button. Then to get it off the desktop I need to open Microsoft Word and paste. But if a Mac is being used I need to Shift/apple/3. I also have an option to do a partial snap shot with the keys Control/shift/apple 4 the four finger move. Also, as you well know I need to email you through the Webct. That took me a few hours to figure out. CSUSM Library Courses/Webct. While using Microsoft Word I could input a picture and/or Text by using the insert file text box. If I click on to the box then go to insert file and picture then I have a choice were to get my picture from. I also learned that I could change the boarder or ever get rid of it all together. inaddition i learn how to write a proper busniss letter and signing it with a different font. I think the most import thing I learned this week is about the external hard drive. I know I need to purchase one do to the fact Iuse may different computers and it would be a bummer to lose all my picture and homework do to a black out.