Sunday, December 9, 2007

I have no idea what I should say, when you ask what was a value. The whole class was so great. If the object of this class was to get more familiar with the computer and different programs, well this class did it. I cannot wait until I get my computer up and going, then I am going to do so much. First, I am going to organize my computer. Before, my computer was so unorganized, I could not find anything. It took me for ever to find my lost files. Next, I am going to backflip all the web sites that I think will be useful. Also, I am going to make sure all of my files are backed up so it my computer goes down again, I wont lose everything. I am defiantly going to explore on the web. There is so much information out there I want to use as much as I can to be on top of teaching. The one thing I struggled with in this class, I did not find everything useful for high school math. I know the more I search, on the web, I know I will find more useful actives for high school math. I have no idea why we had to do the blog. I did not find it to be useful. I think maybe it is to meet the writing minimum and to prove we read the articles. But, I did not get anything out of it. I don't think your class needs to be improved. All of your instructions were great. No need to improve.

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