Sunday, October 21, 2007

Blog # 8

It seems like WebQuest has the same idea that filamentality. Pretty much the teacher puts links together that he/she wants the student to look over. At first, I thought that the WebQuest would not be useful for high school math, I was wrong. I opened a high school math WebQuest for 9-12 grades and it was cool. It had an introduction, task, resources (links), process and a conclusion. Wow! What a cool way to intergrate technology with math. It was a living word problem, about the cost of airfare, time, and the relationship between the two. I think as a math teacher, I could keep students very interested in math using this type of lesson plan.

WebQuest FOCUS's on five principles. F ind great sites. This is probably the most important. If you don't find the corret site that keeps the students interested then they will not learn as well. O rchestrat the learners and resources. Make sure that you know what you want the students to learn. C hallenage the students. WebQuest can be fun so the students will not notice that you are chanlenage them. U se not only the Web but all sorts of media, BookQuest and so on, be creative. S caflod have high expectations. This type of learning is consitily evolving. My eyes again have been opened. My first reaction after looking at it I thought different type of WebQuests is that it would be a lot of fun for the kids. But, a lot of work for me as the teacher. I could use the search engines to find great WebQuests to use my classrooms. I think this will be a great way to should kids why math is use full. I can put it into real stituations.

I tried for three hours, to do filamentlity on math, I could not do it. I think that WebQuest would be a better program to use. I thought it would be fun to do my filamentality on Kangaroos. My URL is I directed the lesson plan for 4th or 5th graders. I think this is a great way to teach student life science because they get to see different web sites, pictures, and information.

Am I right when I said that Filmetality and WebQuest are the same, but just different types of programs?

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